Monday, November 06, 2006

To the Victor go the Spoils

Just a thought, Sadam Hussein has now come to the end of his trial on the charges of Crimes Against Humanity for the brutal killing of political and religious opponents. For the record I believe he was likely guilty of mass murder although for whatever reason this most incredibly important trial since Nuremburg was covered very little by CNN. Bear in mind there was gavel to gavel coverage of O.J. Simpson and Michael Jackson trials. Every piece of evidence examined by talking heads. With Sadam, we're expected to simply believe what the U.S. administration has to say. After all, they haven't lied to the world in the past. (Notice incidentally he has NOT been charged with any responsibility for terror attacks on the Excited States of America even though that was given as the secondary reason for the invasion of Iraq once WMDs were proven not to exist) Now then, if this were a fair fight in the playground sense, and somehow the Iraqui's won and successfully captured the U.S. leaders, is there doubt in anyones mind that George W. Bush and his cronies would be tried on the same charge of Crimes Against Humanity for the thousands of combatants and innocents killed in the Iraq invasion? Also, what about the numerous incidents of torture carried out and still occuring to this day? As I say, just a thought.

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